StrongFirst Switzerland

Kettlebell training

Barbell training

Bodyweight training

Kettlebell Workshops

Kettlebell 101, 201, 301 workshops - Strongfirst Switzerland

Entdecken die Kettlebell – das einzige Trainingsgerät, das in der Lage ist, alle Aspekte absoluter Fitness ohne Kompromisse zu liefern.

Niemand weiß besser, wie man mit diesem Werkzeug umgeht, als StrongFirst.

Am Tag nach dem Workshop wirst du in der Lage sein, deine Ziele in Angriff zu nehmen.

Kommende Workshops

Die Workshops werden von StrongFirst Switzerland angeboten, einem Verein gemäss Art. 60 des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches.

Werde StrongFirst zertifiziert!

StrongFirst Kettlebell-Zertifizierung im Dezember 2025!
Die führende Zertifizierung für Kraft- und Konditionstrainer.

About StrongFirst

Practice Strength - Strongfirst Kettlebell Training

StrongFirst is the school of strength founded by Pavel Tsatsouline .

We believe that strength has a greater purpose .

Distilled from the best of the Russian and Western sports science, our methods have a proven record with professional athletes, tier one special operators, as well as regular folks who have decided to earn self-respect and be weak no more.

You can find our brothers and sisters in strength on six continents. Join us!

Stay tuned

  • Follow us on  Facebook or Instagram where we post content regularly
  • Get in touch with one of our instructors if you have questions or would like to schedule a personal training session
  • Check out our upcoming Kettlebell workshops
Don't use machines. Use kettlebells and become a machine.
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Strongfirst Switzerland

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